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Peak has a long history of hundreds of diverse projects in sustainability, climate change, clean energy transition, and land use planning. We specialize in community engagement, strategy, and facilitation as well as research, planning, and analysis. View all or click on a category for more specifics.

Whatcom County Climate Action Plan (CAP)

Whatcom County Climate Action Plan (CAP)

Client: Whatcom County, WA Case Study: Peak staff edited and formatted the final Climate Action Plan by the Whatcom County Climate Impact Advisory Group. The Climate Impact Advisory Group worked for over two years developing recommendations for Council consideration to activate and accelerate the county’s action regarding climate change and its impacts. This process involved…

Lake Padden Water Quality Study

Lake Padden Water Quality Study

Client: People for Lake Padden (P4LP) Case Study: David Roberts served as science advisor to P4LP – a citizen group studying water quality in Lake Padden near Bellingham. The study utilized citizen science focused on gathering data on nutrients, algae, and fecal coliform in the lake and feeder streams as well as watershed factors contributing…

NPDES Stormwater Compliance

NPDES Stormwater Compliance

Client: City of Bellingham, WA Case Study: Peak carried out an independent Phase II compliance evaluation for dozens of Bellingham’s stormwater facilities and maintenance practices. Services also included assistance with catchbasin, vault, and stormwater inspections. Impact: Data and information from the evaluation was used in the city’s stormwater rate study. Such compliance evaluation projects are…

Sudden Valley Water Quality Sampling

Sudden Valley Water Quality Sampling

Client: Sudden Valley Community Association Case Study: Peak conducted water quality sampling for the Sudden Valley Community Association to determine water quality impacts. The Sudden Valley Community Association is required to assess the impact of development in Sudden Valley on the quality of water entering the City of Bellingham’s drinking water. Our team measured phosphorus…

Management of Natural Asbestos in Swift Creek

Management of Natural Asbestos in Swift Creek

Client: Whatcom County, WA Case Study: David Roberts of Peak worked with landowners along Swift Creek to explore alternatives for the long-term management of naturally occurring asbestos-laden water and sediments in Swift Creek. Swift Creek in Whatcom County has asbestos flowing into it from a naturally occurring land formation in the hillside above the valley….

Swen Larson Mine NEPA and Reclamation Permit

Swen Larson Mine NEPA and Reclamation Permit

Client: Twin Sisters Olivine, Whatcom County Case Study: Peak served as project manager for a multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional planning effort to develop a new Sven Larson Mine reclamation plan. For nearly a decade, this process in Whatcom County required local, state, and federal agency coordination, an integrated NEPA/SEPA approach, environmental review and document preparation, and sub-contractor…

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