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Superfeet Tackles Scope 3 Emissions

Superfeet Tackles Scope 3 Emissions

Client: Superfeet Worldwide LLC

Case Study: Superfeet hired Peak to provide sustainability services including a carbon footprint analysis to quantify their Scope 3 emissions. For over 40 years, Superfeet has “pushed the boundaries of podiatric science by combining biometric data, cutting-edge technology and innovative materials, all to help people get the most out of every step.”

A carbon footprint represents the total amount of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) directly or indirectly produced by you or an organization or business. GHGs include heat-trapping gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane that stay in our atmosphere. Climate change is the result of excessive GHG emissions that get trapped in our atmosphere and are heating up the planet.

Impact: As part of a carbon footprint analysis, quantifying Scope 3 emissions are important because they are usually the greatest share of an organization’s carbon footprint by a significant margin, and also where an organization has a lot of influence. Tackling Scope 3 emissions shows Superfeet’s commitment to address all aspects of its GHG emissions.

  • Scope 1 emissions are emissions that fall directly within your organizational boundary. Therefore, your company owns or controls those sources.
  • Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from purchased energy that fall outside your organizational boundary. They include purchased or acquired electricity, steam, heat, or cooling consumed by the reporting company”.
  • Scope 3 emissions are related to your organization but are owned or controlled by another entity. Examples include purchased goods and services, capital goods, fuel- and energy-related activities, transportation and distribution, waste generated in operations, business travel, employee commuting, and leased assets by another company.

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