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Peak News and Blog

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When a river is has personhood: from Ecuador to New Zealand

When a river is has personhood: from Ecuador to New Zealand

When a river is a person: from Ecuador to New Zealand New Zealand passed its first rights for nature law in March 2017. In the early 2000s, the idea of giving legal rights to nature was on the fringes of environmental legal theory and public consciousness. There, the Whanganui River, which flows across the North Island, has…

Greenpeace Executive Director, Jennifer Morgan

Greenpeace Executive Director, Jennifer Morgan

Greenpeace Executive Director, Jennifer Morgan Greenpeace’s Jennifer Morgan has said that “multilateralism can make a real difference in finding solutions. And these are valuable lessons as we turn to the bigger crisis upon us, the climate crisis.” In just five years, Morgan has been promoted from head of regulated businesses at SAP to overseeing all of…

Tasmanian island to be powered by wave energy

Tasmanian island to be powered by wave energy

Tasmanian island to be powered by wave energy In about one month’s time, a remote Tasmanian island will be powered by wave energy. If the test project is successful, King Island residents will enjoy renewable energy harnessed from wave swells. This will make the island one of the few places on Earth where three forms…

Finland’s Prime Minister, Sanna Marin

Finland’s Prime Minister, Sanna Marin

Finland’s Prime Minister, Sanna Marin “The Government is committed to taking action that will create a path towards a carbon neutral Finland by 2035. Climate change is the greatest threat to humankind. Instead, the fight against climate change offers opportunities for Finland to create viability, growth, employment and wellbeing. The transition into a carbon neutral society will be…

Swedish Environmental Activist, Greta Thunberg

Swedish Environmental Activist, Greta Thunberg

Swedish Environmental Activist, Greta Thunberg  “The climate and ecological crisis can unfortunately no longer be solved within today’s systems,” said Greta Thunberg to the Davos Group in January. Thunberg, a Swedish teen and worldwide phenomenon, is now 18 years old and has become internationally known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action against climate change….

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