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Use cloth instead of paper towels

Use cloth instead of paper towels

Use cloth instead of paper to clean the house  Limiting the number of paper towels you throw away is one way to reduce your personal impact on the planet. It may seem like a tiny thing, but it makes a difference. When trash sits in landfill, it emits methane—a greenhouse gas that traps more heat than carbon….

Regenerative annual cropping

Regenerative annual cropping

Regenerative Annual Cropping Project Drawdown defines regenerative annual cropping as: any annual cropping system that includes at least four of the following six practices: compost application, cover crops, crop rotation, green manures, no-till or reduced tillage, and/or organic production. These practices sequester carbon in soils and reduce emissions at modest rates, but have wide adoption potential and thus…

Sustainable mindset key to long-term biz success

Sustainable mindset key to long-term biz success

Getting to grips with sustainability in the business world can be overwhelming. Where do you start – and how do you show that sustainability really means something and isn’t just a buzzword to mask old-fashioned attitudes? Alice Chapple, co-convenor of CISL’s Sustainable Finance online short course, accepts this is a tough path for businesses to…

1st National Climate Task Force Meeting

1st National Climate Task Force Meeting

During the virtual inaugural convening of the National Climate Task Force, representatives from more than 20 federal agencies and offices underscored the shared commitment of every agency in collaborating and coordinating across the federal government to ensure the United States leads the world in a clean energy revolution that creates American jobs with the chance…

A new standard for aviation sustainability

A new standard for aviation sustainability

Aviation has an incredible history of innovation, and the sky is the limit when it comes to cutting emissions from this major industry. The first step in taking environmental action is understanding and measuring your aviation environmental impact. Carbon neutral is just the beginning, but CO2 alone only accounts for 1/3 the impact from flying….

Washington takes the lead with Climate Commitment Act

Washington takes the lead with Climate Commitment Act

Climate Commitment Act Moves to Senate Floor In 2021, the Washington Legislature passed the Climate Commitment Act, or CCA, which establishes a comprehensive program to reduce carbon pollution and achieve the greenhouse gas limits set in state law. The program will start Jan. 1, 2023. This puts Washington on a path to meet the greenhouse…

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How ready is your organization for climate change and sustainability? Get your questions answered. Peak can help you move to a strategy-driven roadmap.