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A monster wind turbine Is upending an industry

A monster wind turbine Is upending an industry

A Monster Wind Turbine Is Upending an Industry

Twirling above a strip of land at the mouth of Rotterdam’s harbor is a wind turbine so large it is difficult to photograph. The turning diameter of its rotor is longer than two American football fields end to end. Later models will be taller than any building on the mainland of Western Europe.

Packed with sensors gathering data on wind speeds, electricity output and stresses on its components, the giant whirling machine in the Netherlands is a test model for a new series of giant offshore wind turbines planned by General Electric. Giant turbines have turned heads in the industry.

A top executive at the world’s leading wind farm developer called it a “bit of a leapfrog over the latest technology.” The machine’s size and advance sales have “shaken the industry.” See what’s next.

G.E.’s giant machine, which can light up a small town, is stoking a renewable-energy arms race.

Peak Sustainability Social Hour

Peak Sustainability Social Hour

Thank you for the wonderful turnout at the 2024 First Quarter Sustainability Social Hour at Structures on Monday, March 18! We had close to 100 people at this quarterly sustainability networking event co-sponsored by Peak Sustainability Group, Sustainable Connections, and ReSources. You could feel the energy of people passionate about climate and sustainability. It’s also…

Peak Sustainability Group celebrates 13 years

Peak Sustainability Group celebrates 13 years

It’s more than an anniversary: we’re building a sustainable future Since early 2011, our founder David Roberts has been on a mission. From the spark of one dedicated individual, we’ve grown into a force for climate action, clean energy, and sustainable practices. After rebranding as Peak Sustainability Group in 2020, we set out to build…

Strategic resilience in the US wine industry

Strategic resilience in the US wine industry

How to be resilient when wildfire threatens an industry Wildfire smoke can impact the quality of wine, but vignerons won’t know what the damage is until the wine is opened. Grapevines themselves are pretty resilient to fire, but wildfire smoke can taint the flavor significantly AND the impact might not be revealed until the wine…

Electric recycling and garbage trucks catching on

Electric recycling and garbage trucks catching on

Electrification is catching on in the hauler industry. Republic Services is going all-in on fully integrated electric recycling and garbage trucks. With a fleet of over 17,000 vehicles nationwide, this sustainability initiative puts Republic in the vanguard of leaders in their industry. Republic is one of the largest operators offering residential and commercial recycling and…

Climate Change Impacts Seaports

Climate Change Impacts Seaports

Seaports are a vital part of the shipping industry, and they are already feeling the effects of climate change. The concern over climate change must be transformed into action. Climate planning should be budgeted for all ports and should include adaptation and mitigation. Climate change is here. Time is of the essence.

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How ready is your organization for climate change and sustainability? Get your questions answered. Peak can help you move to a strategy-driven roadmap.