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All posts from August 2021

Why energy efficient light bulbs are so much better

Why energy efficient light bulbs are so much better

Why energy efficient light bulbs are so much better ​LED has the potential to fundamentally change the future of lighting in the United States. Residential LEDs – especially ENERGY STAR rated products – use at least 75% less energy, and last 25 times longer, than incandescent lighting. By just replacing your home’s five most frequently used light fixtures, you can save $75…

Making the case for reusable silicone food storage bags

Making the case for reusable silicone food storage bags

Making the case for reusable silicone food storage bags ​The average American family uses 500 Ziploc bags every year. If all those bags are thrown away, that quickly adds up to a massive amount of plastic going into local landfills and incinerators. Reusable silicone food storage bags are a better choice than plastic throw-away bags. Silicone is arguably more environmentally…

Should I be unplugging unused devices and electronics?

Should I be unplugging unused devices and electronics?

Should I be unplugging unused devices and electronics? All things plugged in will bleed some energy. Called “standby” electricity loss because it’s so often associated with electronics in standby or idle mode, it’s also known as “phantom” energy. Even turned off, many appliances keep drawing power. Power supplies don’t just convert energy; they consume it….

UN Security Council takes on climate change risk for first time

UN Security Council takes on climate change risk for first time

UN Security Council Takes Up Climate Change Risk for First Time Wealthy nations will come under pressure to boost funding to tackle climate change during a United Nations discussion that will warn how unchecked rising temperatures could lead to wars and mass migration.  The UN Security Council’s virtual meeting Tuesday will be led by U.K….

China builds an ‘Ecological Civilization’

China builds an ‘Ecological Civilization’

China builds an ‘Ecological Civilization’ To avert and adapt to the consequences of climate change, civilization must act boldly and with haste. How do we change the course of entire civilizations and how do we do it quickly? China with its 1.3 billion people is accelerating steps to tackle the climate crisis with the concept of “ecological…

Working lands are the future of conservation

Working lands are the future of conservation

Working lands are the future of conservation From the earliest indigenous peoples to later European arrivals, those who settled in the American West naturally staked out the best pieces of country they could find. They didn’t settle on the high mountain tops or extreme deserts, places we’ve since designated as wilderness. Instead they etched out…

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