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Whatcom County Climate Action Plan (CAP)

Whatcom County Climate Action Plan (CAP)

Client: Whatcom County, WA

Case Study: Peak staff edited and formatted the final Climate Action Plan by the Whatcom County Climate Impact Advisory Group. The Climate Impact Advisory Group worked for over two years developing recommendations for Council consideration to activate and accelerate the county’s action regarding climate change and its impacts. This process involved integrating chapters from more than ten Climate Impact Advisory Group members to ensure a unified tone, format, and consistency throughout the report. The 202-page document includes appendices, a list of acronyms, formatted figures and graphs, and a structured page layout. The Whatcom County Climate Action Plan (CAP) was adopted by the Whatcom County Council in November 2021.

Impact: Peak produced a comprehensive and accessible document for Whatcom County, the result of two years of thorough research and discussion. The CAP now guides the County in its policies and actions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, improve ecosystem health, and increase climate resilience. Since impacts of climate change are gradual and there is no single solution to climate change, this plan draws attention to the urgency of the situation and sets forth specific and attainable goals for the county government to address.

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