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Five year anniversary for the Paris Agreement

Five year anniversary for the Paris Agreement

Five year anniversary for the Paris AgreementClimate emergency… What would it look like? Is anyone listening? Yes, but they are distracted with so many challenges coming in 2020, people, governments, and organizations are tired. But, they can’t let up. UN Secretary-general Antonio Guterres highlighted the issue with a plea, “If not now, when?” on December 12, 2020…

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Why Are We Throwing Money Away?

Why Are We Throwing Money Away? Take-make-waste isn’t working Take… make… waste isn’t working. Under the current linear take-make-waste economy, we throw $10 billion worth of materials into landfills across the United States! Rethinking this with a circular economy lens would address our systems as more connected and more resilient. Who doesn’t want to reduce the…

American Opportunity Carbon Fee Act of 2019

American Opportunity Carbon Fee Act of 2019

American Opportunity Carbon Fee Act of 2019 This act would levy a fee (tax) on US greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, largely on carbon dioxide (CO2). It would significantly lower GHG emissions in the United States while generating substantial revenue—all of which would be returned to the American people. How effective can a carbon fee be? Under the carbon fee scenario in the proposed American Opportunity Carbon Fee Act, emissions fall almost 45% from…

Iowa Farmer Finds Fortune in Selling Carbon Credits

Iowa Farmer Finds Fortune in Selling Carbon Credits

Iowa Farmer Finds Fortune in Selling Carbon Credits to ShopifyIowa’s Kelly Garrett is the first one in five generations of toiling the family farm to cash in on what plants and soil do naturally — trap carbon dioxide from the air. The crop-and-cattle farmer is selling credits from removing 5,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide…

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