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The economic and social benefits of low-carbon cities

The economic and social benefits of low-carbon cities

​The Economic and Social Benefits of Low-Carbon Cities Over half of the population of the world live in urban areas. This means that efforts to meet human development goals and sustain economic growth must be concentrated in cities. However, the pursuit of more prosperous, inclusive and sustainable urban development is complicated by climate change, which…

Heat waves; how climate change makes them worse

Heat waves; how climate change makes them worse

Heat waves; how climate change makes them worse Extreme heat domes, heat islands, mega-droughts, and climate change: the anatomy of worsening heat waves.Early season heat waves are troubling and we are seeing a trend toward lengthening of the hot season. The worst effects of heat aren’t always in the hottest places. Heat waves can have…

The 30×30 Solution

The 30×30 Solution

The 30×30 targets will help maintain global biodiversity and defend against the climate crisis. We must protect at least 30 percent of our lands, rivers, lakes, and wetlands by 2030 and also fully and highly protect at least 30 percent of our oceans by 2030 to help safeguard marine ecosystems and fisheries that provide food, jobs,…

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